This sector consists of car manufacturers and automotive parts producers, among others.
More than 250 automotive part manufacturers supply to companies such as Renault, Fiat, IVECO and Volkswagen.
The high level of training of human resources within Córdoba, enables continuous innovation and development of applied technology to the metalworking industry.
As Córdoba is one of the most important educational centers in Argentina, a large number of professionals, technicians and qualified operators graduate yearly from universities and specialized institutes.
The strategic location of Córdoba, in the geographical center of Argentina and at the heart of the bi-oceanic corridor that connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, makes the province an appealing location for the establishment of industrial projects for international and national entrepreneurs.
Agricultural Machinery and Agro-use parts
The province of Córdoba stands out for its advanced production of agricultural machinery. The industry boomed in the 1950s as the agriculture and livestock industries grew. Currently, the province leads four out of the five most important sectors at national level: the production of seeders; the harvest and storage of grain and silage; tractors and self-propelled sprayers, and towed sprayers.
Within Argentina, the mountain range of Córdoba (Sierras de Córdoba) constitutes the easternmost outcrops of the Pampas Mountains region (Sierras Pampeanas). These mountain ranges consist essentially of igneous and metamorphic rocks, which can range from amphibolite facies to granulite facies metamorphism.
Generally, mining companies are located in the eastern region of the Sierras de Córdoba on the eastern side of the mountain range of the Sierra Norte and Sierra Chica, which supply the whole eastern area of Córdoba, Santa Fe, the north of Buenos Aires and La Pampa. Quarries can be grouped into two main districts: Sierra Chica (Colón and Santa Maria departments from Salsipuedes to Malagueño) and Los Cóndores (Calamuchita department), and various isolated quarries in San Agustín, Sampacho and Chaján to the south and Simbolar and Villa Maria to the north.
Goods and Services for Aeronautics and Railroad industry
During the second half of the twentieth century, industrial and railroad production boomed, producing materials which were used for railroad systems within the country and several other Latin American countries.
Currently, Córdoba produces and re-industrializes material that is located in its domestic markets, as well as within other countries in Latin America and even in Africa.
On the other hand, the country also develops an important industrial activity related to aeronautics. The Aircraft Factory of Córdoba was the first in Latin America. In the mid 20th century, it became a noteworthy point of industrial development, which carried out the production of one of the first military jets: the Pulqui I. This experience was the foundation for the development of Pulqui II, one of the fastest jets in the world.
Furthermore, it is necessary to highlight the development of machinery and equipment, as well as the engineering developments for the food industry, packaging, and transportation of goods in this sector. The production of goods and services for the extractive industries of oil, gas, and mining are also of high importance.
There is an important usage of metalworking in the production of capital goods, tools in general, and engineering developments for mechanization processes and measurement.