Scholarship Students by ProCórdoba Successfully Travelled to Brazil

ProCórdoba Agency, under the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio, Minería y Desarrollo Científico Tecnológico (Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Mines and Scientific-technological Development), developed a scholarship program for final works about the commercial exchange between the Province of Córdoba and Brazil. Among the thesis presented, three winning projects were selected. The winners were given a scholarship to travel to Brazil with the aim of acquiring knowledge about this market and enriching their professional experience.

This initiative aimed at increasing research on the Brazilian Commercial Profile in order for export companies or companies with export potential to broaden their knowledge about the neighbouring country and improve the approach on it.

From 22nd to 26th September, students travelled to Brazil with a meeting agenda organized by ProCórdoba which let students contact the chambers and associations of each sector studied. Moreover, they contacted importers and distributors and knew about the academic field of the Universidad de San Pablo (USP) – (San Pablo University).

Among the visited entities, we can find the Cámara de Comercio Argentino Brasilera de San Pablo (Argentine-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce), the Asociación Brasilera de Industrias de Maquinarias y Equipamientos (ABIMAQ) (Brazilian Machinery and Equipment Association), the Embraport terminal in Puerto de Santos and the Asociación Comercial de San Pablo (ACSP) (Commercial Association of San Pablo), among others.

The Projects that were given this scholarship were:

Córdoba Agroindustrial Sector Penetration Strategies in the Brazilian Market” by Diamela Bordiga (Universidad Blas Pascal) – (Blas Pascal University)

“Internationalization Project of Delbre Company”, by Paula Galoppo, and Cecilia Vagliente (Colegio Universitario IES) – (IES University College)

“Market Research and Competitiveness of Córdoba Wine in the Brazilian Market”, by María Laura Blanco (Universidad Siglo 21) – (Siglo 21 University)

With respect to the experience, Cecilia Vagliente highlighted:

The agenda that we organized was excellent. All the talks, meetings and visits were fruitful because we acquired new knowledge. The people we met provided us with a lot of information.”

As regards the contribution of scholarship to the field of interest of the thesis research project, Vagliente highlighted that the meeting with ABIMAQ and the visit to the harbour was productive because for the first time they were be able to learn the way in which the management of foreign trade is carried out.

Meanwhile, Diamela Bordiga considered that the scholarship awarded to broaden her knowledge about the Brazilian market surpassed her expectations. About this, she said: 

“We held meetings with people who had to do with the thesis research project we carried out. Having been there was a positive professional experience. Moreover, it allowed us to get contacts related to our field”.

Among the meetings held according to the travel agenda, Diamela Bordiga said that the visit to Embraport, one of the most important terminals in Puerto de Santos, helped them see how the agricultural machines enter the country. What is more, in the talks with ABIMAQ, they had the opportunity to see the differences between the production of local agricultural machines and the production of agricultural machines in Brazil. Likewise, she emphasized the importance of the talk about the economy of Brazil given by the Brazilian Trade Association because it allowed them to know in detail the way in which the market is working.

This way, by means of the initiative of ProCórdoba Agency, the students were able to deepen their knowledge about the Brazilian market. This trip was done in the framework of the development program of the Brazilian market as a strategic focus on the actions to support Córdoba Exporters.

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