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Programa de Ações Promocionais Específicas

Its main objective is to strengthen and enhance trade promotion tools through the following lines of action:

1. International Linkage Agreements for Trade Promotion

Reaffirming the importance of working on the promotion of the exportable offer of the Province of Córdoba, the Agency executes collaboration agreements with business chambers located in strategic markets, which stipulate and enable the following services:

  • Advisory. Companies shall have the opportunity to conduct technical inquiries about the reference markets.
  • Business Opportunities. Access to business opportunities in countries where there are agreements in force.
  • Promotion. Dissemination of information and advisory on the Córdoba Exporters Platform among business chambers in the reference market in order to help Cordobese companies to position themselves internationally.

Agreements in Force


In April 2015 a collaboration agreement was concluded with the Argentine‑Bolivian Integration Business Chamber.




2. Preparation of Individual Calendars for Companies

This service seeks to support the internationalization of occasional and potential SMEs in Latin American markets.

For information about the terms and eligibility criteria, fill in the contact form below.