Around 94 People got Pre-professional Training in ProCórdoba

Around 94 People got Pre-professional Training in ProCórdoba

Since 2012, ProCórdoba Agency has been constantly making and updating Framework Agreements of Paid Internships and Pre-professional Practices with regional, national and international Universities according to the modality established by a Decree of prior authorization for hiring or appointing and  of procedure to inform the agreements and the people that do an internship (Decree No. 131 - Resolution No. 1).

ProCórdoba Agency has also formalized its link through the agreement with the Customs Training Institute (ICA), and different well-known Business Schools in France, such as ESSEC Business School in Paris and EM Strasbourg Business School

Nowadays, we work with the following academic institutions:

1.      Faculty of Psychology (National University of Cordoba – UNC.)

2.      Faculty of Economic Sciences (National University of Cordoba – UNC.)

3.      Faculty of Political Sciences (National University of Villa María - UNVM)

4.      Career: International Trade (Siglo 21 Business University - UES21)

5.      Faculty of Political Science and International Relations (Catholic University of Cordoba- UCC)

6.      NICE (Organization of Cultural and Professional Exchange with headquarters in Germany)

7.      COINED INTERNATIONAL (Foundation of Educational Exchange FIE)

8.      ICA (Customs Training Institute)

Since then, we've received between 20 and 24 pre-professionals from different educational institutions, reaching a total of around 94 people, who were able to make a reflection between theory and practice.

This way, the learning process in practice positions them as subjects and future critical and thoughtful professionals in the field they intervene, which allows them to analyze, interpret and provide solutions to different problems, in some cases through innovative alternatives to new situations. Since the beginning, the pre-professional is told about the activities they will perform, the competences that will be required and the activities that will be at play (the internalized knowledge and tasks).

The Training Pre-professional System  is thought and designed according to the best development of the social actors that are involved: intern, tutor of the area, academic organization and ProCórdoba Agency. The pre-professional are constantly coordinated and supervised by a tutor of ProCórdoba, who has information and professional experience required by the educational institution to accompany them in the process. 

Moreover, through the training system, the students are positioned in the real context of the world of work, which will allow them to subjectivize what was learnt and understood and to develop the knowledge of their academic career. This way, the triad between what was learnt academically, the experience in practice and  the reflection  between  what is “known” and  what is “done” promote and generate new senses in the construction of their identity as professionals in the future.

It is important to say that, the whole process of the intern is registered through our database, which  allows us to have a clear map of the full process of the internship and  to have a record of the intern (name, surname, academic institution, area of his/her internship development, etc.).

At the end of the pre-professional training, an Evaluation of the student's development during the internship is made by the system, which is sent to his/her Academic Tutor as a final result and likewise, the Tutor of the area -a staff member of ProCórdoba assigned to accompany the student in the process- is evaluated by the pre-professional. This way, this feedback allows the mutual professional and institutional growth.

In ProCórdoba, this system is constantly being developed. It is considered as a training tool and we are convinced that from the articulation and link, as a social actor of the world of work, we are going to actively participate in the formation of future professionals demanded by the market.

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