 We Train Secondary Students, Secondary School Teachers and Graduates in International Trade

We inform that this year, through the area of  Technical and Commercial Information, ProCórdoba Agency provided businessmen from the province of Córdoba, secondary students , secondary school teachers and university graduates with training on topics related to international trade, fulfilling the mission of strengthening the export culture established at institutional level. 

As regards the training courses that were provided to secondary students, it is important to highlight that 12 secondary educational institutions were visited. They belong to Córdoba, San Francisco, Tránsito, Calchín, Villa Totoral and Villa Carlos Paz.  This activity was carried out in order to raise export awareness among students for a better development in the social and work field.

A total of 340 students were trained on the importance of international trade in different cities of our province, where the potential of their regional economies in the issue was emphasized.

Likewise, in November, the second edition of the program for secondary teachers “Creating an Export Culture: An Outlook of the World” began. Even though this second edition has recently started, 20 teachers were trained to transmit the importance of international trade and software tools as well as their application in class to students.

Finally, the first edition of the program “Lazos Comex” through which 38 graduates from careers related to international trade were trained on very important topics for SMEs from Córdoba and on the process of internationalization during 11 meetings. As regards this, it is important to say that they are doing a final work in companies and business chambers of our province.

If you want to get more information about these programs, you can contact the manager of the area via e-mail:

Simón Blengino

Manager of the Area of Technical and Commercial Information

E-mail: [email protected]